What to Expect for an OVA.CV Study Visit

Study Questionnaire
You will be asked to update information about your personal/family medical history, menstrual/reproductive history, changes in demographic characteristics, your lifestyle habits, including life stress, exercise and dietary habits, and your general quality of life. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire on behavior and stress.

Body Measurements
We will measure your height, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure.

Transvaginal Ultrasound
An ultrasound will be performed to assess ovarian health and ovarian reserve.

EndoPAT Scan
We will conduct a new test that assesses endothelial function and can tell us more about how ovarian health is associated to cardiovascular health.

Blood & Urine Sample
General health laboratory and hormone tests will be conducted on your blood and urine samples. These include a complete blood count, glucose/insulin levels, a lipid panel, liver function panel, and creatinine test (for kidney function) to assess cardiovascular disease risk. Tests on hormones (FSH, LH, Inhibin B, Estradiol, Estrone, Testosterone, SHBG, and AMH) and biomarkers of aging (DHEAS, IGFI, IGFBP3) will be run to assess ovarian health and ovarian aging, respectively, as well as general health.

Hair Sample
Hair cortisol has been shown to correlate with chronic stress, depression, and factors associated with long-term CVD risk. In order to measure cortisol levels, all participants will be asked to provide a small sample of hair.


How to Prepare for an OVA.CV Study Visit

Study Questionnaire
Please make sure to fill out the online questionnaires before your scheduled visit.

Please do not consume any food or drink (water is okay) 8 hours before your scheduled visit. In addition, please refrain from using caffeine, tobacco, vitamins or medications - we will be providing a small snack once the blood draw and EndoPAT is completed.

Previous Night’s Meal
We ask that you eat a light meal the night before your appointment and that you record what and when you ate.

EndoPAT Scan (NEW)
We will be placing probes on the fingers of your hands during the EndoPAT test. Fingernails should not extend more than 5mm or 1/5 of an inch beyond the tip of the finger tissue. Please ensure that fingernails are trimmed or filed before coming to your scheduled visit.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I enroll?

Because this is a longitudinal study and we are asking participants from the original OVA study to return as participants for the OVA.CV study, we are not recruiting other women to participate.

How long does the study visit last?

The in-person visit will last approximately 2 hours. You will also be asked to take time to complete our questionnaires online at home.

How long will I be in the study?

We would like to keep track of your health for as long as you will let us with visits every two years and updated questionnaires. We will also keep in touch with you via email every 6 months.

What if I am pregnant or recently gave birth?

For women that are currently pregnant or have recently given birth, the earliest we would like to schedule a study visit is 6 months after birth or 1 year after, if breastfeeding.

What if I have already reached menopause?

Menopause does not interfere with the study. On the contrary, we would like to track participants throughout the entire reproductive life cycle to gain a better understanding of ovarian aging over a woman’s life.

What if my birth control makes my period irregular or stops it altogether?

Not having a period does not exclude you from participating in the study. If your menstrual cycle lasts >35 days without a period, we do not have to coordinate the study visit with your cycle and can schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Are there benefits to participating in the study?

There will be no direct benefit (ie medication or treatment) to you from participating in this study. However, this study will help doctors learn more about ovarian aging and how this might predict heart problems in the future.

Will I be paid for taking part in the study?

To compensate your time, effort, and travel expenses, you will be paid $100 (in the form of a debit card) for participating in this study.

Are there other research studies I can take part in?

Our team conducts a lot of exciting research. Please visit our Other Studies page to learn more about ongoing studies and whether you can participate.